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Friday, 31 March 2006
Old friends, new friends and good knitting
Topic: Knitting Retreats

You never know what will happen at a Knitting Retreat.

Oh, we have the requisite yarn tricks and "aha!" moments, and it's all good. But, the icing is the unplanned stuff that tends to crop up whenever knitters get together.

Enter Dolly and Jousting Peeps.

Apparently Dolly (far right) makes the rounds with the Kids From Camp (Martie, Sue, Jud and Janet were the bunch that made it to the retreat) and she brought with her Peeps for Jousting. So, when we had covered the class topic on Saturday morning (can we all sing "HEMS!") and there was a fragment of a lull in the conversation, the topic turned to the annual Peep games first espoused by the KNITLIST in the 1990's. Of course, the Kids from Camp had come prepared for a match, so the microwave, toothpicks, paper plates and two yellow marshmallow Peeps came out to entertain the group.

I must say...I have not seen a retreat dissolve in helpless laughter quite like this one.

I was gifted with the lovely Stuffed Peep, shown at center above with a (double pointed needle)spear in her wing, lolling on the deck railing with Dolly and a handy skein of Bearfoot, as a memento of our time together.

Posted by countrywool at 9:14 PM EST
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Monday, 7 November 2005
Fingerless Mitts with a Swedish Color Pattern
Topic: Knitting Retreats

This weekend I am off to teach at the Rip Van Winkle Knitting Retreat up in the Catskill Mountains. I love driving in the mountains this time of year. With just a touch of fall color left in the hills, there is a peaceful feeling that sends me to my yarn collection to start designing for the long winter evenings ahead.

One of the projects we are tackling at the retreat is Swedish Fingerless Mitts, with its accompanying Braided Cast On. This is a technique best done with knitting friends, as it is amazingly awkward to pull off the first time. In anticipation of this class on Saturday, I am making a second pair in Charcoal and Creme Kid 'n to come tomorrow.

Posted by countrywool at 11:40 AM EST
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